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Hi, I'm Neo Wee Ann Winson

Senior Vice President



How I started out and progressed in my financial career.

I started his career as most graduates did; get a stable job in the IT industry, work hard, and hope to get promoted. Hard work yes, but the promotion never came. It started to cross his mind why was he working so hard and for whom. What must he do to have a breakthrough in his career?

He chanced upon an opportunity to join Manulife as a financial planner. His work ethic remains the same; to work hard for himself as he starts to craft a rewarding career. From a 1-man operation, today he helms a team of 50 and receives accolades like MDRT, Top Manager in Sale, Top Recruitment Branch and many others.

Yet, when we interviewed him and ask what his greatest achievement was, he mentioned that when his daughter asked him what he does in his job, he replied that he makes a positive impact in people’s lives, to help them to be financially secure so that they live a happy life without worries. A simple answer, and yet it inspires his daughter to want to be the same. His greatest achievement is being able to be an inspiration for his family and the people around him.

A rewarding career is when you start to make a positive impact on others. Start today with Winz Alliance Advisory. Just leave your preference way of contacts, we will reach you and provide you an no obligation discussion.

“Everyone deserves to have their success story; you can find it here with us”